Hepatitis C and pregnancy

pregnancy-hepatitis-cCurrently there is no approved medication available to avoid the transmission of the Hep C virus from a mother to her child during the pregnancy.
The likelihood of transmission depends on many factors. If the mother is NOT HIV positive and is a low risk patient (i.e. never shared needles during illegal drug use), the risk of mother-child transmission of the Hep C virus is relatively low.
If the mother is a high-risk patient, and her viral load is high, the risk of transmitting the disease to the fetus becomes quite high.
 If a mother is diagnosed with Hepatitis C, or is suspected that she might be infected with the virus, it is advisable to seek professional medical help immediately to keep a close eye on the mother and fetus during her pregnancy.
In any case, if you are pregnant, it is advisable to speak with your obstetrician about Hep C to assess your level of risk of infection and possibly order a Hep C virus blood test as a precaution.

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