Waiting for the Harvoni Generic option?

harvoni generic in the marketThere has been much news lately about the new versions of

Harvoni generic

been launched to the market. The true is that since 2013 Gilead has signed agreements with a number of pharmaceuticals to produce a generic version of its Harvoni Hep C treatment. The last agreement was signed with Natco Pharma Ltd an Indian pharmaceutical company that has received license to produce a generic version of Harvoni. These licenses limit the scope of the countries where the medicine can be sold; they have called “Access Program“ to this methodology that only allows selling the medicines in a limited number of countries (91 at this moment).


Many people waiting for the generic version have been prescribed the Sofosbuvir and Rivabirin treatment, an option that can help them to reduce the viral load, and to improve the health of their liver, this in a effort of their physicians to improve the overall health of the patient while the generic version of the Harvoni is available in the market. This combination shows a significantly less success rate than the treatment with Harvoni, 69% instead of 95% cure rate.

If you want more information about the components of Harvoni generic

Some countries allow the patients in need to buy medicines abroad provided that certain conditions are met. If you want further information about Harvoni Generic and would like to find out what is the situation in your country contact us

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